=================================================== Call for Papers Artificial Intelligence, Biometrics and Extended Reality for Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science Co-located with 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METROLOGY FOR EXTENDED REALITY, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEURAL ENGINEERING 25th-27th October 2023 Rome, Italy https://metroxraine.org/ =================================================== PROCEEDINGS published on IEEE Explore extended versions on a journal to be defined IMPORTANT DATES Extended abstract submission deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended abstract acceptance notification: March 20, 2023 Final paper submission deadline: April 30, 2023 Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023 Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 30, 2023 SCOPE AI technologies in Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation are aiding the police for not only crime detection, but also prevention and prediction. By forensic evidence, we mean items such as fingerprints, blood, fibers, and crime tools (knife, gun, crowbar, etc.). AI is helping in dealing with forensic evidence through classical approaches such as Data Analysis and Mining, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Statistical Analysis, Probabilistic Methods, etc. AI is also aiding forensic experts and investigators by formulating logical evidence, 3D reconstruction of crime scenes, handling evidence effectively, and analyzing it to reach logical conclusions at various levels of investigation. AI-based algorithms can detect a huge amount of data to discover risk, and are used for detection, prevention, and even prediction of future crime or criminal behavior. TOPICS Topics include but are not limited to: - Face Recognition - Fingerprint Pattern Identification, Classification, and Comparison - Crime Scene Reconstruction and Extended Reality - Violence Detection in Videos - Classification of spectral images - Police Investigation Support Systems - Audio Classification, Noises, and Voices - Artificial Intelligence Face Estimation - Biological Age Determination - AI in Forensic Medicine, Dentistry, Anthropology - DNA Mining - Neural Coding and Decoding of DNA - Biometric image databases - Forensic facial determinations - Forensic iris examination - Gait Recognition AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS Authors should prepare an Abstract (1-2 pages) that should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and their applicability. When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper. The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages. Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers. The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages. For your convenience, the Style Manual and Conference Paper templates in various formats are available through the following links: www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html SUBMISSION Each lead author must visit the EDAS website (www.edas.info) and establish an account with a username and password. It is very important that your name and affiliation associated with your EDAS account are correct and match the name and affiliation that will be listed on your paper. These fields are first and last name, affiliation (company or organization), country, e-mail address, and status. When the fields are filled in, check the Privacy Policies box and click the Add Person button. You will receive an e-mail containing your password. Your email address and the given password must later be used to access the system during the following steps, so be careful to remember it. You can then return to the EDAS log-in page and change your assigned password to one that is easier to remember. To do this, click on the My Profile tab, and then click on change your password. Be sure to record your user name, password, and ID number for later reference. Submission of Abstract: https://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=29413 - Type in the title of the paper and enter a brief abstract of your paper. - Click the Submit button. - The next page you see will have a large green checkmark and a statement that the paper was registered. The last row says "Abstract", and has an icon of a blue cloud next to it. Click on this icon, and then you can upload the PDF of your Abstract on the next page. When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the paper has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper (5 to 6 pages). SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Aldo Franco Dragoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Mark Nixon, University of Southampton, former President of the IEEE Biometrics Council Milena Martarelli, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Ephraim Nissan, former researcher of the Department of Computing, Goldsmiths College, University of London Paolo Contardo, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Paolo Sernani, Università di Macerata, Italy ============================================